If you are a beginner in search engine optimisation, it is very important to know that there are two kinds of traffic: organic results and paid traffic. The paid search engine is also known as pay per click or PPC remarketing services. In google, pay per click is also known as AdWords. SEO is about ranking organically. SEO is very important because no amount of money can buy such a position. SEO is not like ads and when it is done right, it can be a source of consistent and passive traffic. SEO is earned and worn. It is your effort that will be determined whether you will be ranked in the top searches or not. So, what determines search engines’ ranking? Here are some of them
One of the most popular search engines in the world is Google. It is also a search engine whose ranking algorithm keeps on changing. To gain authority, links to the page from other websites are considered. This is a ranking factor that was discovered by Larry. Links are the most important ranking factors because they are like a vote. If many websites are linking up to your page, it simply means that your website is good. If a website is not good, there will be no one linking to it.
Websites are more like people. There are people whom you don’t listen to just because they do not sound credible. There are also people whom you don’t hear from them because they do not say anything at all. To be relevant, you need to use the right content and the right phrases. Do not just publish content for the sake of it. Make sure that the content you are publishing is good for consumption and that people will find it useful. Before you even start thinking about the keywords, you should first think about the content itself. It should be very fresh and unique. It should also resonate with people. UK SEO agency will help you to understand more about relevance.
In search ranking, three major factors must be considered. They include authority, relevance, and user signals. If many people are linking your page up, it simply means that your page is good. When creating content, it will be wise to create content that is good and that will improve the user’s experience. You will be ranked as the best when many people are visiting and liking your page.